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Just Released! BART OIG Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report

I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report of the Independent Office of the BART Inspector General. My team and I continued in our commitment to serve the public with integrity and objectivity, and to help improve the District.

This fiscal year, we closed 25 investigations into allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse; processed 59 new allegations; and opened 32 investigations. We addressed time theft, false claims, conflicts of interest, and pay and hiring disparities, among other concerns. We made 19 recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of BART operations and to take action against those who defrauded the District.

We issued our span of control audit, concluding that BART would benefit from a span-of-control analysis and made five recommendations for organizational change that will allow for improved communication, streamlined operations, and faster decision making. We also started work on audits for workers’ compensation, change orders, Link21 spending, and overtime.

We followed up on BART’s progress with our recommendations conducted in the current and previous fiscal years. We determined that BART continued to take corrective action, implementing a total of 17 recommendations in Fiscal Year 2024.

I look forward to continuing our work to meet the expectations of California voters and legislators who desired independent oversight of taxpayer and ridership funds that support BART’s operations and capital projects.

The report below provides more details regarding our accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2024.

OIG Annual Report to the Legislature Fiscal Year 2024.pdf

To access all of the Office of the Inspector General’s reports, please visit our website at


Claudette Biemeret
Inspector General
Phone: 510-464-6141

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