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The OIG encourages all employees, contractors, and citizens to report their observations. Every individual, regardless of religion, race, immigration or documentation status, or national origin, is safe to obtain assistance from the OIG.

The OIG’s whistleblower hotline - - is set up so that people may report their concerns 24-hours a day every day of the year. When submitting an allegation online, reporters are prompted to create a unique pin. Reporters should do so and keep it in a safe place as it cannot be retrieved. The system will generate a case number, which reporters should keep with their pin so that they may later use the pin and case number to check on the status of their complaint and send the OIG a message via the system.

The OIG accepts anonymous complaints. However, we encourage reporters to provide contact information so that we may ask follow-up questions. The OIG is dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality of complainants. In only limited circumstances must we disclose a complainant’s name, such as for an investigation that leads to criminal prosecution where the complainant may need to be called as a witness. Most cases do not require disclosure of the complainant’s name. Further, the BART Board of Directors adopted a Whistleblower and Antiretaliation Policy to protect those who come forward in good faith to report a concern.

Additional Resources 
A document detailing the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Whistleblower and Antiretaliation Policy.
Click to download

BART's Whistleblower and Antiretaliation Policy

Protects those who come forward with concerns about the District





Infographic on understanding retaliation: defines retaliation, examples, actions if experienced, and additional resources.
Click to download





Understanding Retaliation

Learn how to recognize and address retaliation effectively







An infographic about the Office of the Inspector General's role in investigating fraud, waste, and abuse within BART with examples and contact info.
Click to download


OIG Informational Handout

Fraud, Waste, or Abuse investigations









A flyer promoting a 24/7 confidential hotline for reporting fraud, waste, and abuse with a contact number, website, and QR code.
Click to download

 24/7 Fraud, Waste, & Abuse Hotline

Report What You See to the OIG

Download, print, and post at your location!












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